Saturday, August 20, 2011

Getting Cricky Challenge

Good morning all! I have to make this quick as we are taking my daughter and niece to the zoo for their birthday celebration! I hope your weekend is off to a great start! I wanted to enter this weeks Getting Cricky Challenge( )  as it is one of my favorite treat bags! I love creating my kids birthday parties and put a lot of effort in the decorations. This treat bag I did last year for my daughter's birthday party. It was an Abby Caddaby theme. I made these bags... boys got Elmo and girls got Abby...  The bag included a wand that lit up in the dark... bath tub tablets that had special Abby instructions of how to way your magic wand and create bath tub colors... Abby chapstick....and little figurings! They turned out cute (maybe I am biased! ;)) Anyhow here it is! Enjoy your weekend all!!!